Above is the earliest promotion design for the Vanguard Awards, when we were just trying to drum up hype. Of course, I went with the glass trophy for starters, but we did land on our preferred typeface and style, which used a lot of spaced out letters and played with text size.

Above is our second wave of promotion: Individual posters. While we were still early on in creating a brand identity, a few things began to emerge which would become important later on. For one, we ditched the arched letters in favor of a more straightforward title with a stylized V. This was also when we started experimenting with space motifs, mainly the out-of-focus stars around the trophy.

Above is an example of out third wave of adverstisement, where we have officially solidified space motifs as the theme of the event. I'm sure that judging by the ample use of orange, it's pretty obvious everyone in the office watched Dune over the weekend. Don't worry, this does not stick.

Of course, every event is not complete without a step-and-repeat banner. The one on the left was kind of a leftover from an inside joke we had in the office at the time. We thought it was too silly at the time, so we opted to pursue the one on the right.

Finally, we arrive at the Facebook banner, which we decided to create using the scrapped assets from the physical banner you saw above... You know, for variety. We didn't think too much on it at the time, but less than 24 hours later, our client reached out to us saying "whatever that was you put on Facebook, people like it. Do more with it". You can see the results of that decision in the other sections.